Susan's "subject matter, context and medium...present a coherent artistic vision"
John Torreano, Clinical Professor of Studio Art, NYU

"Great stuff. Love your work."
Seymour Chwast

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Saturday, March 19, 2016


xxxxxxxxxxxxRiptide, mixed media on linen, 50 x 40 inchesxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

A RIPTIDE AND I have a great deal in common. Strange as that may seem, I can explain the   similarity:

A riptide  is a strong current of water that flows away from the shore. As a painter, I, like the riptide, produce a strong current of energy that flows away from  the shore–the shore of “everyday.”

If you are a swimmer, the riptide will pull you away from the safety of the shore. If you are a viewer, my paintings will pull you away from the safety of "everyday" and into the unknown.

I serendipitously happened upon the above image for Riptide while standing on the balcony of my  Fort Lauderdale studio. The balcony is poised over the Atlantic Ocean and is closed off from the studio by glass doors. While looking through the doors I realized I was in a strange new place.  I could clearly see the ocean and sky (reflected on the glass) along with the studio and bedroom spaces beyond the doors, including more double doors, and the furniture beyond that. This confusing yet beautiful image of land, sea and air superimposed on one another enchanted me. I was caught in the current, a riptide if you will, and pulled away from the safety of "everyday."

I hope you will all join me  at my solo exhibition, "Out of Thin Air," on Saturday night, March, 26, at The Guild 5 Forty Five  in Fort Lauderdale.


  1. What a great post! You finally figured it all out, Susan. Please keep painting your enchanting people and places I can't wait to see Land, Sea and Air even if I have to travel to do it. I love your weirdness!

  2. Hi Susan-It is a real Pleasure to have you as a FaceBook friend-I LOVE YOUR PAINTINGS!!! I

  3. Great post Susan. How lucky are you with a studio overlooking the ocean. I'm green with envy!

  4. Wow Susan, Your work is ethereal. It is just gorgeous.

  5. Loved your letter and we will most certainly be "up front and center" for the March 19 show!!

  6. Congrats, Susan! Break a brush!!
    Happy Autumn!

  7. That's great....You must work like lightening.....that's my impression.

  8. Welcome back. Looking forward to your March exhibition

  9. THIS IS MY ABSOLUTE FAVORITE work of yours. It reminds me of the artist who did the
    backgrounds for Disney's Little Mermaid. Only 100x better and more creative.

  10. Congrats! Looks like your art career is perking up.


  11. I am continually amazed by how fantastic your paintings are . We will be down in Ft. Lauderdale this winter (middle or Jan-Middle of Feb.)and if you are around would love to see your works.

  12. You are incredibly gifted and thank you for sharing your work. I love the ocean also and even Underwater!
    Keep up your passion.

  13. As always your work is beautiful.

  14. Congratulations on your recent opening at the museum! Wow! And on your upcoming show in the spring-so exciting!

  15. Susan, you are an amazing talent. Congratulations on the museum showing. Let's together when you are here!

  16. As far as I can see, your paintings are beautiful!

  17. Susan your work is so dynamic and complex. How long have you been painting

  18. Very nice! It looks like a dream
