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John Torreano, Clinical Professor of Studio Art, NYU

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Wednesday, May 12, 2010

The Dilettante Lifeguard

A dilettante lifeguard named Tom admired
a pretty blond bather he really desired.
He saw with a grin, she was thin as a pin
but did not notice the circling fin.
Splashes and wakes of crimson transpired.
Tom blew his whistle--loud! and got wired.
He had to jump in and fight with the fin
Who swam off with the girl and ate her for din.
It troubled Tom his rep might be mired
He schemed and hoped he wouldn't be fired.
Encountering crying from her next of kin
He placated them....."at least I jumped in!"


  1. I once had to wave to be saved...and nobody came!

  2. At least you were not eaten for din!
