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John Torreano, Clinical Professor of Studio Art, NYU

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Monday, March 19, 2012

Magritte Bites It

Ravenous, that twit, Rene Magritte
Bites into an apple and swallows a pit
Enters a trance...has sort of a fit -
Countenance greenish, brightly lit.

An apple appears - center face
Hides his nose -  there's not a trace
No eyes, no mouth - what a disgrace!
He peeks under his bowler just in case.

The fruit grew there he must admit
Because he didn't spit out the pit
Now branches sprout where he must sit
Ouch!  That's got to hurt a bit.

He contemplates while having a cry
It's nothing that will  make him die
Picking apples to paint and for pie
He becomes the apple of my eye.


  1. Great work. I am green with envy!

  2. If he sits down, it is instant applesauce.

  3. That is so wonderful, you weirdo

  4. You are now known as the woman at the white party who wrote that fantastic book - The Flying Unibrow

  5. I love your sense of humor!
