Delicious! - slide or chew
Not so easy though
When the eyes look up at you.
And just before my bite
It screamed, "Arrhggg, Aragonite*!
Aragonite!" with all its might
Fingers raised, staring in fright.
"Choke, choke," I heard it croak
Poke, poke, I poked the bloke
Cough, cough, it spit up a pearl
I didn't eat but gave it a twirl
To get the pearl of course! I am a girl
With no remorse. "To the sea with ye!"–hurl!
I hung the pearl from my necklace
And then went on with my breakfast.
PS *Aragonite is the mineral normally found in pearls.
It is more powerful than kryptonite.

PPS Only really good sports will model for me anymore.
Paint on,