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John Torreano, Clinical Professor of Studio Art, NYU

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Tuesday, December 22, 2020

Basquiat Case

Basquiat, in a squat on the Factory floor
Watched Warhol movies which were  mostly a bore
Stifling a snore, he could take it no more
But it sure beat being street-artist poor.

He switched to TV and viewed Anna Magnani 
While painting in three-piece suits by Armani
He threw in some graphics, hues bright and tawny,
Some scribbling as well and was no longer yawn-y.

In his teens and twenties he had fun and made mon
Though his work looks a lot like mine at age one.
We were even in a show together and he won!
My youth?... not taken into consideration.

"Just kidding,"  Jean-Michel - my tales are tall.
I adore your work; mine's in a mall.
Your paintings enthrall; mine are nothing at all
But I'm still making art and having a ball!

Heads and sun - Basquiat age 22; man and lady - Depingo age 1